Friday, February 13, 2015

Candy Heart Estimating

Estimating is a skill that we use on a daily basis. Sometimes we don't even realize we are using that skill. Children need plenty of practice with estimating so that they will be able to use it as adults. A fun way to practice estimating is with food or candy. So, yesterday during math class we did some estimating...with candy hearts in baby food jars. We spent time discussing what a good "guess" would be and how to adjust our estimations based on previous guesses and actual amounts. 

This is an activity that I used for many years when I taught first grade. The fourth graders did an excellent job of explaining (in writing) what they learned or discovered from this activity. We even took the math a step further and did some long division to figure out how many candy hearts each student would get to eat at the end of the class period. One kiddo even wanted to divide the remaining candy hearts into fractions! :)

Estimating candy hearts

Monday, February 9, 2015

What We Love

The fourth graders in my homeroom completed a little project to go along with Valentine's day. Using the website, we made word clouds in the shape of a heart. The kids typed what they love, chose the font and colors and the website created a heart shaped word cloud.

Here's my Valentine's day word cloud. :)
Our Classroom Door decorated with our 
Valentine's day word clouds.

What's Happening

We did a new kind of "warm-up" for Math today. This came from the book Codebreakers . We started off with some easy puzzles and w...