Thursday, March 30, 2017

Question of the Week

This week we started something new...Question of the Week! The fourth graders used the iPads to scan the QR code and access to answer the question. We talked about making sure we wrote in a complete sentence and used the correct capitalization and punctuation.  We will do some graphing activities with the information from Question of the Week each week.

QR code for our "Question of the Week" on

Our "Question of the Week" on

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Order of Operations and Our Mini-lab

Order of Operations

Several of the fourth graders have completed our work on multi-digit multiplication and have moved onto learning about "Order of Operations". They watched the Math Antics video about Order of Operations and have begun working on solving equations using the order. Math Antics ( is one of my favorite "go-to" websites for math instruction. The kids love the videos on the website and are able to use the computers or ipads to watch the videos to learn a new skill or review a skill that they may need more practice on.

Order of Operations video on

PEMDAS=Order of Operations

A fun way to remember the PEMDAS-Order of Operations!

A sample of the Order of Operations practice that some of the fourth graders are working on.
Our "Mini-Lab" :)

I brought a few unused laptops from home so that we can have our own mini-lab in our classroom. The kids are able to use them for Kidblog, Math Antics, FirstinMath, looking up spelling word definitions and to name a few uses for the laptops. 

What's Happening

We did a new kind of "warm-up" for Math today. This came from the book Codebreakers . We started off with some easy puzzles and w...