Has your fourth grader told you about our Kidblog? They are beyond excited about it! Kidblog is an online blogging tool for classrooms. I used it with my first graders at Morning Sun for several years, so I knew the fourth graders at Mediapolis would do very well with it. I introduced it to the kids yesterday and showed them how to log in on the iPads and they caught on very quickly!
The exciting thing about blogging is that the students' writing isn't hidden in a notebook in their desks at school. It is visible for others to read and comment on. We talked about reading each other's writings and leaving positive comments for each other. For their first posts the students were asked to use some of this week's spelling words. Their writing isn't perfect, but it will give them the opportunity to work on their editing skills.
I welcome you to check out
our Kidblog and leave comments if you'd like! All posts and comments go through me first for approval. So, if you don't see your child's post or a comment you've left, that means it hasn't been approved or published yet.
We will continue to use Kidblog to write about various different topics. Stay tuned for next week's fun Kidblog posts! :)
Our Kidblog: kidblog.org/class/mshiltons4thgrade/ |
Our First Time Blogging with Kidblog on PhotoPeach