Tuesday, November 29, 2016

First In Math

Yesterday I introduced all of the Mediapolis 4th graders to the website: firstinmath.  

We went to the elementary library computer lab to explore the website. The students were able to check it out and try some of the activities and games. We will use this website throughout the year to get extra practice in math by playing games and completing tasks. Your child has his/her log in information and may access this website from home for more practice in math.

Be sure to ask your favorite 4th grader about firstinmath.com!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I'm Learning Too!

What have you been doing while your student teacher is full-time teaching in your room the past few weeks? In one word...READING! :) I have kept busy reading books and researching Math Workshop and Guided Math groups. I'm excited to get back into my classroom and apply what I've learned from all of my reading!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Words Their Way

As you probably know, we have begun a new spelling curriculum in all of the fourth grade classrooms. We are using "Words Their Way". Each student was pretested to determine which "word sort" they were developmentally ready for. For right now, we will spend two weeks on each "word sort". 

The fourth graders spend time sorting their words, writing sentences, looking up definitions, playing games (http://www.spellingcity.com/mepo4/) and highlighting spelling patterns in their words. By the end of the second week your child should be able to sort and spell all of the words in the sort.

Practicing words with a window marker.

Using the iPads to look up word definitions on dictionary.com

Playing games on Spellingcity.com to practice words.

Highlighting spelling patterns

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ms. G and Halloween

The fourth graders are excited to have a new face in our classroom! Ms. Geurink is our student teacher from Iowa Wesleyan College. She will be with us until the beginning of December. Ms. G did a really fun math project with the students called "Create Your Own Classroom". They had to use many important math skills.

The fourth graders had fun last Friday during the Halloween Party. Thank you to everyone that contributed to our party! :)

What's Happening

We did a new kind of "warm-up" for Math today. This came from the book Codebreakers . We started off with some easy puzzles and w...